
Interview: Get your glow back

Skincare expert Camilla Schjelderup’s best advice when going through menopause.

Healthy, glowing and vibrant skin during menopause:
Loss of skin elasticity, breakouts or dry skin with increasingly more apparent lines, can be typical signs that you are entering menopause. These changes to your skin can be both challenging and exhausting if you at the same time don’t feel quite like your former self. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. We spoke to our skincare expert Camilla Schjelderup, who shares her best advice on how to get your glow back and keep your skin in check.

How does menopause typically affect your skin?

"Your skin already changes in the years before menopause, in the period we call premenopause. In this period your estrogen level, which is the hormone particularly important for skin resilience, elasticity, and moisture, will gradually decrease making your skin drier and thinner. The body’s hormonal changes can also trigger inflammation in the skin, which can result in both acne and rosacea. At the same time, it is common to experience hair loss and thinning hair. Growth of facial hair may also occur, so many of us have our tweezers close to our disposal, plucking and cursing at the same time,” says Camilla with a smile.

What can be done to restore skin balance during menopause?

Take a second look at the ingredients in your favorite products. In most cases, you can go a long way by adjusting certain products so that they match your new skin condition. Açai Facial Oil is an ideal product for dry and dehydrated skin, that needs to regain its glow and moisture. The açai berry has a particularly high level of antioxidants, which will balance and strengthen your natural skin barrier. The entire Rudolph Cares Firming series is particularly good for when the skin needs to regain its fullness, as the series strengthens the skin's collagen synthesis, repairs damage, and replenishes with moisturizing hyaluronic acid. This series is composed of ingredients for you, who is experiencing signs of skin aging.

Make sure you eat enough healthy fatty acids - and cut back on sugar and alcohol. Sugar breaks down the skin's collagen synthesis and alcohol dehydrates the skin. It goes without saying, water is very important for your skin; so, remember to drink enough. A great tip is to massage the skin every night when applying your oil to increase blood circulation, which improves skin elasticity in the long term.

Do you have advice for when the skin feels more dry and sensitive?

Take a look at your cleansing routine to make sure that you are using mild products. Preferably use a cleansing milk that does not strip the skin of natural oils, and a rich cream, like the Açai Anti-Stress Facial Cream. This cream will help the skin barrier to retain moisture throughout the day. You can also use a face oil under your cream.

Be extra careful when you are exposed to cold, wind, or strong sun. Since it's cold at the moment and we alternate between being inside and outside, the skin can easily feel tight and irritated. Most important is to feel and know what is good for yourself. Try to avoid very hot baths, as hot water dries out the skin. Moisturize the body from head to toe with the SOS Açai Body Balm when you need extra well-being and protection.

Should you use sunscreen every day as you move into menopause?

"If you have worshipped the sun in your youth, then this is the time that it begins to show in your pigmentation, where smaller spots on both your face and your hands may appear. If this is something you are experiencing, then year-round sun protection is advisable. I myself live in the north, so I have a little break from the sun during the dark months, but I always use my sunscreen as soon as the spring sun peeks out in March. If you use retinol or AHA products, then wearing sunscreen during the day is important. The beauty of Rudolph Care's sunscreens is that they also contain antioxidants and apple extract, which stimulate cell renewal. Feel free to use both Firming Perfector Serum and Açai Facial Oil under your Sun Face Cream.