
Our experts guide to sunscreen and skincare

If you ask Rudolph Care, effective sun protection and active, nourishing skincare always go hand in hand. Right here, you can read the Rudolph Care experts' summer tips for sunscreen and skincare. Get ready to meet Andrea Elisabeth Rudolph, Camilla Schjelderup, Marie Frølund, and Lena Dyrsø.

Andrea Elisabeth Rudolph, founder of Rudolph Care

When Andrea launched Rudolph Care's sun series back in 2014, her goal was to create a range of nourishing and active skincare that could effectively protect the skin in the sun. Since then, the many products of the sun series for the whole family have been favorites summer after summer. Here are her tips.

Summer Sun Tip

My best sun tip right now is to use Rudolph Care's new Sun Face Serum SPF 30 and Sun Face Oil SPF 25 as a regular part of your morning routine. It provides your skin with just the right amount of moisture, plumpness, and nourishment it needs for a day in the sun. Cleanse your skin, optionally use a Mist Delight - and then apply serum, followed by the oil. When you apply sunscreen in two layers, you minimize the risk of missing a spot and achieve good protection if you apply enough, so remember that!

Summer Skincare Tip

My biggest "hack" this summer must be getting a summer glow without frying in the sun's rays. I do that with Self Tanning Sun Body Lotion SPF 30, which is the most delicious body lotion, sunscreen, AND self-tanner in one. Take a shower and exfoliate your skin to make it soft and smooth. Then apply Self Tanning Sun Body Lotion SPF 30. It's completely intuitive to apply. All it requires of you is thoroughness and effort - and it pays off. When you take your time with the application, you ensure an even glow on the skin AND thoroughly protect your skin with SPF. That's why I love this product so much. Let it dry completely before putting on clothes. After a few hours, you can see a natural glow appearing on the skin.

Camilla Schjelderup, Head of Business Development

Camilla embodies Rudolph Care in Norway. She is a skincare nerd to the bone and helps develop and test new Rudolph Care products. Here are her tips.

Summer Sun Tip

Aftersun is such an overlooked product, and for me, it's a must throughout the summer. First and foremost, aftersun stops the heat process in the skin after a day in the sun, provides calmness, and prepares the skin for the next day - but having said that, aftersun can do SO much more. Aftersun Repair Spray is truly versatile, and I use it to cool down and moisturize the skin on hot summer days. I take it with me in the cooler bag when I go to the beach and enjoy its cooling and moisturizing effect. I use it on hot days at the office, at home - anywhere. And then there's Aftersun Soothing Sorbet and Aftersun Shimmer - two lightweight gels that melt into the skin and cool, moisturize, and care for it. Like a summer body lotion. My personal favorite is Aftersun Shimmer, which gives my skin a slightly glowy look from natural shimmer.

Summer Skincare Tip

When you expose the skin to the sun's rays, it undergoes a stress reaction, and therefore, one of my most important tips in the summer is to replenish the skin with antioxidants after a day in the sun. Açai Facial Oil is my one love when it comes to minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, and an extremely high content of strengthening antioxidants. That oil gives my skin everything it needs. I couldn't dream of more.

Marie Frølund, Area Sales Executive

You might be lucky enough to meet Marie in person when you buy Rudolph Care products from our retailers in Zealand and the Capital Region. Marie's heart beats for innovative and natural skincare of the exclusive kind that takes care of both us and our planet.

Summer Sun Tip

My best sun tip and newest addition to my own routine is the combination of the self-tanner A Hint of Summer - The Classic and Sun Balm SPF 50. It's a combination I LOVE. It's the tip I give to everyone I meet at work - and to my friends. When I mix a few pumps of A Hint of Summer with Sun Balm SPF 50, my skin is glowing all day long. I get a lovely summer tan along with high SPF, which protects against premature aging of my skin. And it works under makeup - what's not to love.

Summer Skincare Tip

It's essential to cleanse the skin of SPF after a day in the sun. No matter how many summer drinks I've had or how late it may be, I always find time to cleanse my skin in the evening. I use Nourishing Cleansing Oil, which dissolves oils, dirt, makeup, and SPF on the skin - and I do it twice. Double cleanse is essential and the most effective way to remove all sunscreen from your skin, but honestly - I cleanse twice because I can't get enough of the feeling of cleansing my skin with such a luxurious cleansing product.

Lena Dyrsø, Education & Skincare Specialist

Lena is Rudolph Care's in-house cosmetologist and skincare specialist. In other words, Lena knows about the skin, its layers and structure, functions and conditions, reaction patterns, and all the do's and don'ts for skincare.

Summer Sun Tip

My best tip for your summer is to use SPF. The sun is so lovely in so many ways, it gives light, warmth, and fills us with energy, but it is also harsh on our skin. It breaks down our elastin, collagen, dries out the skin, and can cause pigmentation spots - or worse. That being said, it's important to emphasize that the right amount of SPF is essential to get the right protection. You must apply an amount equivalent to a teaspoon to cover the entire face. Fortunately, you can easily get that by applying in two layers. Our Sun Face Serum SPF 30 is the ideal base for daily protection and can be supplemented with a layer of Sun Face Cream, Sun Face Oil, or Sun Balm.

Summer Skincare Tip

A tip for your summer skin is to exfoliate and moisturize the skin and get a beautiful glow in the summer weather. Use Time To Glow Peeling Mask 1-2 times a week. It helps give a more even glow and provides a lot of moisture, which the skin needs in the summer - but be extra careful in the sun when you have freshly peeled skin. Use plenty of sunscreen - and I would just like to emphasize that you still get tan when you use sunscreen. It just takes a little longer, but your skin is protected from the damage that often only shows up later in life.